Friday, April 5, 2013

M.A.E.W.I.N. needs you!

Okay, so normally I wouldn't support a company that forces a bunch of young adults to fight to the death for job offers...but if they don't get the money they need they are going to have to exterminate pretty much everyone left in the M.A.E.W.I.N. house which would kind of suck. So, lets get kickstarting!

Okay, okay, so on a serious note the Job Hunters creators need your help. They are 19 hours away from the end of their Kickstarter project and they are still about $9,500 short of their goal. It only takes a little bit from a lot of people to reach their goal so I'm asking for your help. I have donated as much as I can afford seeing as I still have to pay a mountain of taxes from my etsy sales this year so I am going to do something for you and for them; I am going to donate my time instead. Here is the deal:

All you have to do is like the page (Nerd-Freakin-Tastic) on facebook and post your screen shot there along with a link to your etsy account (it's free so create one if you don't already have one). This is for any donations from today to the end so it has to be a new donation (as explained) of $20 or more. If their project gets funded, you get your coupon or drawing (you can specify which you will want when you post your screen cap).

For those who have already donated, you do have to up your donation $20 or more (sorry, I can't afford to give coupons to everyone who already donated and the purpose is to get them through this last leg). If this is you, take a screen cap of the amount you've already donated (remember that your username must be visible so no one tries to re-use your screen cap) and post that. 


You may then donate your extra $20 or more and take a new screen cap of the page that says "congratulations" and has your pledged amount (the page that shows up once you've checked out with amazon). If you have not yet donated and you are finally getting to it, this is the only picture I need from you. Just show me you have donated $20 or more. Please remember that you MUST have a screenshot of this exact page so I know that it is new money being donated today (now that you know of this new incentive). :)


These may be posted straight to the Nerd-Freakin-Tastic page. You can get to that page here:

I don't quite know what I'm getting myself into here (since I have an order of 5 ponies on my plate already) but I am raring to go so bring it on...just don't make me poor ha ha ha. I hope that this inspires you guys to help out and make Season 2 possible because I will be so sad if it doesn't happen.

With our help, they just may win! ;)

Season 1, Episode 1:

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